A Perfect Winter Day in Vienna!

Start at cafe central for breakfast - 8-9:30am - We actually decided only to grab a coffee, but this was our original plan. Apparently it is really pretty and dank food!

Bus or taxi to Schönbrunn Palace - 9:30am- 11:30am - This palace is so huge and beautiful, one of those places that pictures don’t do justice. AND we saw it during a snow storm so I can’t even imagine how pretty it would be with the sun out. We never went inside because the gardens are the best part.

Bus or taxi back to Rathaus for ice skating - 11:45-1pm - This was so much fun. Highly recommend for both the views and the overall experience.

Walk to Hofburg palace - 1:15-1:40pm - We just walked by the palace on the way to Naschmarkt but it is so so pretty (really sleek white building with beautiful domes and horse drawn carriages driving by) would have been interested to go inside, but wasn’t necessary.

HIT Naschmarkt HARD - 1:55-2:45pm - We loved this market. Its kind of more like a neighborhood with a long two way street of markets. We drank mulled wine and tried our very own vienna wiener and it was faaaaaantastic.

Belvedere palace - 3:10pm-4:40pm - This palace is beautiful from the outside and has amazing gardens. Because of the weather we went inside for the original art section for only 16 euros and saw “the kiss.” My favorite part was definitely just the structure of the rooms, everything was embellished with gold and the class of the castle was felt throughout.

Home to rest!

Das loft for drinks and a view - Kind of an overly snobby place but it was such a beautiful night view of Vienna / we felt like we had to see one of their rooftop bars. Be prepared for a small pour though.. ruuude.

Dinner - We went to L’Osteria which was italian and INCREDIBLE. Huge pizzas / interesting pasta dishes. We already had Viennese food the day before, its definitely a ‘when in vienna’ thing to eat viennese food but it was a lot so we were ready to go back to our comfort zone.. can’t say I am a fried meat lover (huge surprise, NOT.)

Bars - We went to Bermuda Brau which was a super local place playing oldies music which was so much fun as we belted lyrics like the true annoying americans we are and then also went to Funky Monkey which I truly don’t know how to describe so I will just leave it at the name..

Club - We were meeting our friend so went to a club called Praterdome right by the Ferris Wheel which was nuuuuts. There were I think 4 rooms / clubs within one building and the music was so fun that we were able to dance our a$$es off without more than one drink in our system.

10/10 day!!!

Hana Danly