Copenhagen, You Stole My Money!!

This past weekend we travelled to Copenhagen, Denmark! I was traveling with girls I previously didn’t know at all so it was a super cool experience and genuinely got to meet some really fun, nice girls! Given the opportunity to travel with a group I didn’t know as well I would definitely do it again. I think it is valuable to be able to push social boundaries especially during travel.. new people give you new outlooks, etc!

First, off I can not start explaining what we did without mentioning HOW FREAKING EXPENSIVE THIS CITY IS. Lol its almost comedic. I originally thought people were being stingy when they told me that but really its because Denmark is a socialist country so people are taxed through the price of everything. Plan to budget each meal around $25-$40. The currency is “DKK” so our ongoing joke was… “___ IS WORTH 125 DICKS???!!” yes I know, extremely immature but it got a laugh each time. Like seriously, Copenhagen give me back my money.

Second, DO NOT RIDE DANTAXI. Little did we know this is apparently Copenhagen’s very own taxi mafia and the dude tried to scam us three times. Likeee come on now I thought this was the happiest place in the world?! Also ended up comedic.

Those PSA’s aside, I truly did love this city! It is the perfect weekend trip because you can fit a lot in two days (super walkable!) Everything is cute and most of the streets are cobblestone which I love love love. We spent a lot of time walking through Nyhavn which is the street with the colorful houses along the river (yes we took the basic girls in front of the houses picture… when in Cope!?) We also spent a lot of time walking through Stroget which is the long, adorable shopping street. Near Stroget is “Dop” which is a hot dog stand that if you don’t go to you’re truly missing out.. and a way to save money! Also nearby Gasoline Grill AKA THE BEST BURGER OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE AND IF YOU DON’T GO YOU JUST SHOULDN’T VISIT COPENHAGEN. lol aggressive but I am simply not even exaggerating.

We also went through Tivoli Gardens which is transformed into a cute winter garden and has adorable kids playing all around. I am sure it would be super beautiful in the summer too.

All in all, go to Copenhagen to stroll through the cute streets and indulge in some incredible food (Mad & Kaffe is my new favorite brunch spot!) Don’t go if you’re super tight on money because it honestly might just be stressful. I would love to see the city in the summer and bike around, the people and the buildings are so lively and I would have loved to see that!

Next week, Amsterdam!!

Hana Danly