Vienna Highlights:


St. Stephen’s Cathedral

We started off our first day around 2:30pm by walking around St. Stephen’s Cathedral & the area that surrounds it. Both the incredibly clean streets and beautiful buildings set up a great backdrop for our wandering on foot. Highly recommend to go actually inside of the cathedral because it was super gothic and pretty.. we would have gone up to one of the towers but the weather wouldn’t have given us the best view! Then we went to Sacher Cafe (close to the cathedral and shopping area) which is super boujee and famous for their cake with a pretty dense history behind it.



This was definitely a favorite of all of ours - we walked along almost the entire market in search of one thing and one thing only…. a WEINER. After stopping for mulled wine (necessity in the weather) we fiiiiiinally found what we had been looking for and wowza. (I would make a weiner joke but this is family friendly.)


Ice Skating at the Rathaus (City Hall)

This was so so so worth it! For 17 euros you can rent skates and skate in front of the city hall which is sooooo pretty in of itself. The course is actually really big because it winds around and its fun to people watch / honestly kind of a workout. May or may not have ate sh** and have bruises to show it but still no regrets. 10/10