Barcelona Sunsets

Well, to put it simply and a bit blunt, it wasn’t the easiest week. But, if there is one place in the world I can still find happiness.. it’s here. For that, I have nothing negative to say and am grateful. I’ve learned throughout my short but mighty 21 years that I only ever miss people, not places. I know that it is a great gift to have because it allows me to experience life fully in new areas of the world. Whether it be a week long trip, going off to college, or abroad for a semester I’m just mentally chilling and could stay as long as I need. I figure that everyone does it at some point, so who am I to complain about missing somewhere or something. But man oh man do I wish I could see certain people right now.. But hey only natural.

I have decided that my favorite distraction from a not - so - great week are the Barcelona sunsets. Pink floods the sky and for a couple minutes time slows down. There’s a quote that I like to always carry with me... hold your breath because it is MUY MUY cheesy.. “sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful too.” But I mean think about it, if you’re having a bad day / bad week / or even just the intimidating realization that things are changing… sit back and stare at some beautiful sunset and remind yourself that the world is giving you the most simple yet astounding reminder that you have a new day ahead of you no matter how hard the previous one might have been…I mean damn that’s pretty amazing.

The Barcelona sunsets remind me of Madison, and I think that’s why I love them so much. They don’t look the same at all, but they do give me the same content reassurance that everything is okay and that the world is a beaaaaautiful place.

PSA: I don’t mean to sound like a downer, the week was also beyond hilarious, we literally kept messing everything up. I love messing things up, not in the moment of course, but afterwards. The ability to make fun of yourself is an important travel asset people !! For instance with directions (like maybe don’t walk to the castle of Montjuic on a straight 2 mile vertical stairs path passing by “xanax” graffitied to the walls with a homeless man drinking a full liter of sangria at 11am by your side only to get there realizing that where you wanted to get pictures was the ART MUSEUM which was not in fact the CASTLE… my b.) So yeah.. I love the people here, I love the sites here, and I am so excited for the next couple weeks. But if I ever have one or two days like these, I can always remember I just have to step outside around 5:30pm (no idea what military time is to this day) and look up :)


Additional PSA: If you think any of this makes no sense, blame my mom because she makes us send sunsets or sunrises at the beginning of each month… apples don’t fall far from the tree huh !!

Hana Danly