Why Barcelona?




No other way that I could possibly word this past semester because looking back on living in this beautiful city for 3.5 months has me at a loss of words. But, I’ll try my best to give credit where credit is due to this INCREDIBLE place.

To start from the top, getting to Barcelona the first day was scary and overwhelming.. people forget to tell you that. No matter how ‘travelled’ you are this huge and quick change can be freaky. But, I can genuinely say that within the first few days I was already truly so happy to be there and knew I had made the right decision. Fast forward to now & I can 100% say that this has been the best semester of my life.

Barcelona literally has so much to offer — want to chill and people watch? Go to the beach. Be artsy? There are like 10 cool museums. Know literally anything about architecture? The most beautiful works of art by Gaudi in the world are there. Shop? Yeahhh ask me all about it, could wander Gothic Quarter for hours. & above all else, 90% of my experience was perfect sun weather so what more could one ask for. All of that and more is where Barcelona is underestimated, it truly is more than just a party place.. same way Madison is more than just a party school. There are so many layers that create the beautiful city and so many different type of people that fill it.

Speaking of, the stereotype of a lot of study abroad kids going to Barcelona? Yeah, its completely true! But that is a huge part of why I loved it so much. I met so many amazing Minnesota, IU, Cornell guys, random people in my classes, and more that now we’ll always have this dope connection of Barcelona. Most importantly, we created such an amazing group of friends.. I got to know guys and girls from Madison itself even better and can easily say they’re some of my favorite people I have ever met. Our guy friends were always looking out for us and providing constant laughs while all the girls I’ve met I genuinely always want to be around! We had the best roommates with constant great vibes. We supported each other and had nothing less than the best time. Luckily a bunch will be in Chi this summer all together, but damn can’t say it’ll ever be the same.

Barcelona is one of those places where whatever mood you’re in you can walk outside and instantly just feel wholeheartedly satisfied. I am LITERALLY SO SOFT FOR THIS PLACE !! I honestly had some very hard times abroad, moments where my anxiety was overwhelming beyond no end… & now, looking back, I can say without a doubt that I am where I am today — happy, healthy, excited — because of all of the people and places that Barcelona provided me (and the fam of course love you guys)

On a lighter note, mannnn was it fun. That quote about “nights that turned to morning” was relatable quite a bit for us. One night during our last week we stayed out until sunrise and as we stared into the water & sun one of our guy friends said “wow, we’re gonna be looking back at this exact moment a year from now” and as simple as it was it really stuck with me. Through it all — the long nights, rally days, hangovers that had no end (lol sorry mom) — we can genuinely have each memory with each other about Barcelona forever & just always have that wow moment over the fact that we got to experience it at all. Cliche, shush I know.

So why Barcelona?

Literally have no reason for why the hell not! The city is so much more than “that place that everyone goes abroad” and yeah maybe people just can’t understand until living there themselves but my goodness this place will always hold a special place in my heart .

Thank you to my incredible family for encouraging me to study abroad here and for being a constant source of love and support. I never realized how lucky I was to have parents that genuinely feel excitement for each one of my days abroad. They never made me feel overwhelmed and always reminded me to live in the moment. I am so blessed to have a family who instilled a constant desire to never settle in life and keep striving for new experiences. Can’t wait to share it with you guys & hope this site has done at least a little of that already! Love you all with my whole heart (Cj, Clay, too many to name!) Mom & Dad — distance makes the heart grow fonder with parents too! You guys are the sole reason this semester has been what it has been.

So, to end it in my mom’s words — “Barcelona will be waiting for all of your return!”

Thank you for everything, Barcelona.

You gave me life again -

See you soon :)

Hana Danly